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Leap Year Birthday英语绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费下载

来源: 最后更新:22-01-24 12:00:04


本文分享Leap Year Birthday英语绘本PDF+音频百度网盘免费资源,无需解压,直接下载。接下来就一起看看Leap Year Birthday绘本吧!




Students love celebrating their birthdays! But what if their birthday came only once every four years? Leap Year Birthday tells the story of Leroy, a boy whose birthday falls on February 29. Leroy wants to learn more about leap day and why it happens only once every four years. Detailed illustrations and engaging text will help students learn about the scientific principles behind leap day. This book can also be used to teach students how to analyze characters as well as to retell the events of a story in the correct sequence. The book and lesson are also available for levels H and N.

标签: 英语  免费资源  本文  音频  年龄  



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