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Walking In A Winter Wonderland儿童节日歌曲背单词MP3音频免费下载

来源: 最后更新:22-01-24 10:03:23

导读: Walking In A Winter Wonderland儿童节日歌曲背单词内容: 歌手:The Jackson 5 迈克尔杰克逊家庭乐队 适合年龄:3-9岁 Over the ground lies a mantel of white A heaven of di

Walking In A Winter Wonderland儿童节日歌曲背单词内容:

歌手:The Jackson 5 迈克尔杰克逊家庭乐队


Over the ground lies a mantel of white

A heaven of diamonds shine down through the night

Who hearts are thrilling in spite of the chilling weather

Love knows no season, love know no clime

Romance can blossom any old time

Here in the open we're walkin' and hopin'

Together, together, together, together

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening

In the lane, now is glistening

A beautiful sight

We're happy tonight

Walking in a winter wonderland

Gone away is the bluebird

Here to stay is a new bird

He sings a love song

As we go along

Walking in a winter wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman

And pretend that he's a circus clown

We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman

Until the other kiddies knock him down

When it snows, ain't it thrilling

Though your nose get a chilling

We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way

Walking in a winter wonderland

Walking in a winter wonderland

Walking in a winter wonderland

Sleigh bells ring are you listening

In the lane, snow is glistening

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标签: 背单词  节日  音频  儿童  歌曲  



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